
Seniors and the Disabled

  • DESIGNED FOR EVERYONE AND EASY-TO-USE by children, seniors, and individuals inflicted with physical, developmental, behavioral, emotional, and sensory or memory impaired special needs, such as Alzheimer’s disease
  • ONE-TOUCH EMERGENCY MESSAGING alerts family, caregivers, and emergency assistance responders
  • SECURELY PROTECTS private health data, yet can be made available to assist emergency medical staff
  • PERSONAL REMINDERS ARE SENT for health visits and personal appointments
  • REMOTE PROGRAMING by caregivers using any internet-capable device allows for real-time updates and communication.
  • A DIRECTORY OF DOCTORS AND HEALTH CARE FACILITIES is an optional feature and is valuable when away from home.

Health & Security for Seniors and those with Special Needs

LOCATE AND RESPOND TO A LOVED ONE’S ALERT FOR ASSISTANCE. If they become lost, confused or are in danger, with a simple tap on the alert button, seniors and those with disabilities can instantly and simultaneously alert any number of family members, friends, caregivers or First Responders of their need for assistance, as well as with their precise GPS location. An immediate text, email and/or call will be sent to a preset list of intended recipients. This provides family and caregivers with peace of mind in knowing that those they care for can remain safe when they are alone and/or away from home with a simple tap on their cell phone. All message recipients can collaborate their responses and recovery activity from their individual cell phones and provide overall management using the Autumn AlertTM portal.

SECURELY COMMUNICATE AND AUTOMATICALLY SEND SCHEDULE REMINDERS. Autumn AlertTM provides one-touch functionality to their cell phones for more than emergency alerts. Sending and receiving messages, receiving reminders and keeping their daily lives organized can also be easily configured from our mobile app or by caregivers using our web-based portal. A senior’s or disabled person’s mobile device can be set to automatically remind them of their schedules, such as health care appointments, taking medication, and important personal dates like birthdays and graduations. Autumn AlertTM keeps seniors and those with special needs independent by being more in control of their lives, feeling safer, and not forgetting the important things in life, big or small.


BE PREPARED Older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers can take steps to prepare for emergencies and incorporate their plan in Autumn AlertTM. By examining each person’s unique needs, it is possible to create individual emergency response plans that address unique medical conditions such as mobility limitations and the need for powered medical devices or durable medical equipment. Without the appropriate contingencies, these limitations could have a significant negative impact during a crisis.

INFORMATION IS IMPORTANT Autumn AlertTM can store critical information to assist First Responders. At a minimum, each individual response plan should address current medication, medical conditions, drug allergies, language barriers, preferred hospital, primary doctor, and other potentially life-critical information. Your information is secure and cannot be accessed and stored by your phone provider or your internet service provider. In creating the emergency notification list consideration should be given to the role of various family members, neighbors, and friends who should be included when creating a support network that can help during emergencies.

DESIGNED FOR USE IN EMERGENCIES Easy-to-use features offer quick and simple assistance for seniors and those with special needs such as those with Alzheimer’s disease, physical limitations, comprehension issues, and language barriers.